Dr Reckeweg Thyroidinum


100 in stock

Thyroid problems, Weight & Memory maintainer
  • 11 ML


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CM 1M CH 6 CH 10M CH 30 CH 50M CH CH 200 CH
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11 ML
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Common Name: Dried Thyroid Gland of Sheep


Dr Reckeweg Thyroidinum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the dried thyroid gland of sheep. It primarily addresses symptoms related to thyroid dysfunction, such as metabolic imbalances, fatigue, and growth or nutritional disturbances. It is also beneficial for various skin conditions and symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Key Indications and Symptoms

General Characteristics

  • Thyroid Dysfunction: Addresses anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, and tingling sensations.
  • Metabolic Regulation: Regulates organs responsible for nutrition, growth, and development.
  • Weakness and Hunger: Persistent hunger despite losing weight.
  • Sensitivity to Cold: Cold extremities, low blood pressure, and easy fatigue.


  • Emotional Imbalance: Alternating stupor and restless melancholy.
  • Irritability: Easily angered over minor issues, prone to rage.


  • Headaches: Associated with fullness in the throat and light-headedness.
  • Coated Tongue: Accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth.
  • Prominent Eyes: Bulging of eyeballs.


  • Palpitations: Occur with minimal exertion.
  • Weak Pulse: Often associated with anxiety and chest discomfort.
  • Heart Pain: Severe pains and numbness in fingers.


  • Dryness and Congestion: Burning and raw sensations, worse on the left side.

Stomach and Abdomen

  • Increased Appetite for Sweets: Persistent thirst for cold water.
  • Flatulence: Excessive gas with nausea, especially triggered by motion.

Urinary Organs

  • Polyuria: Increased flow of urine, sometimes containing albumin or sugar.
  • Urinary Symptoms: Burning along the urethra and a violet-like smell in the urine.


  • Cold and Cramps: Frequently cold hands and feet, along with cramps in the limbs.
  • Arthritis: Especially with a tendency toward obesity.
  • Swelling and Aching Pains: In legs, with peeling of the skin on lower limbs.

Respiratory System

  • Cough: Dry, painful, with scanty expectoration and burning in the pharynx.

Skin Conditions

  • Psoriasis: Dry and impoverished skin with cold extremities.
  • Eczema: Useful for conditions like uterine fibroids and stony-hard glandular swellings.
  • Night Itching: Intense itching without eruptions.

Dosage and Administration

  • Standard Dosage: 5 drops diluted in half a cup of water, three times daily.
  • Alternatively, medicate globules as per physician’s guidance.


  1. Maintain a 15-minute gap before or after meals.
  2. Consult a practitioner if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  3. Avoid tobacco and alcohol during the treatment.

Side Effects

  • No known side effects when taken as directed.
  • Safe for use alongside other forms of medication, such as allopathic or ayurvedic treatments.

Terms and Conditions

This homeopathic remedy works based on symptom similarity. Results may vary among individuals. Always consult a qualified physician for guidance and avoid self-medication.

Additional information

Weight0.04 kg
Dimensions2.3 × 2.3 × 7.4 cm
Form of Medicine

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