SBL Phosphorus 1X Q

135.00150.00 (-10%)

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Burning pains, sensitivity, vertigo, vomiting, piles, Bleeding

Also Known As: Phosph


Phosphorus is a homeopathic remedy derived from the element phosphorus. It is widely used for conditions involving bleeding, burning sensations, nervous system afflictions, and glandular swellings. It is especially beneficial for individuals sensitive to external impressions, including odors, touch, and sounds.

Key Indications and Symptoms

General Characteristics

  • Burning Sensation: Felt throughout the body, indicative of this remedy.
  • Cravings: For cold items such as ice cream and cold water, although water may be vomited when it warms in the stomach.
  • Sensitivity: Overly reactive to cold, bright light, and external stimuli.
  • Fatigue: Mental and physical exhaustion following slight effort.

Mind and Head

  • Mental Overwork: Brain fatigue with memory loss.
  • Emotional Sensitivity: Trembling and fearfulness.
  • Headaches: Ameliorated by cold and worsened by heat or motion.

Eyes, Ears, and Nose

  • Eyes: Redness, burning, and visible enlargement of blood vessels. Darkness and swelling around the eyes.
  • Ears: Difficulty in hearing, itching, and tearing pain.
  • Nose: Bleeding with swollen, sensitive nostrils. Persistent sneezing and dryness.

Mouth and Throat

  • Lips: Parched, dry, and prone to bleeding.
  • Teeth: Jerking, tearing pain alleviated by warmth.
  • Throat: Rawness and inflammation, with hoarseness or loss of voice.

Digestive System

  • Stomach: Constant nausea and hunger, burning pain, and vomiting after consuming water.
  • Liver Issues: Congestion and fatty degeneration.
  • Abdomen: Flatulence with tearing pain.

Stool and Rectum

  • Burning Pain: During and after stool.
  • Hemorrhoids: Burning and protruding.
  • Rectal Pain: Sharp, stitching pains.

Urinary Complaints

  • Urine: Scanty, involuntary, or suppressed. Sugar or blood may be present in the urine.
  • Renal Calculi: Twitching and burning in the urinary tract.

Reproductive System

  • Male: Swelling, soreness, and inflammation of testes. Painful erections.
  • Female:
    • Menstrual Issues: Early, heavy, and prolonged flow with bright red blood.
    • Uterine Hemorrhages: Frequent and profuse.
    • Breast Nodules: Hard and painful swellings.
    • Swollen Labia: With bleeding warts.

Skin and Extremities

  • Skin:
    • Ulcers and Rash: Black or dusky eruptions, bleeding granulations.
    • Psoriasis: Affects knees, legs, elbows, and eyebrows.
  • Extremities:
    • Burning Pain: Especially from cold exposure.
    • Joint Inflammation: In knees and hips.
    • Trembling and Numbness: Weakness in limbs, faintness on exertion.

Dosage and Administration

  • General Dosage: Take 5 drops diluted in half a cup of water, three times daily.
  • Alternatively, medicate globules and take as directed by a physician.


  1. Maintain a 15-minute gap before or after meals.
  2. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a practitioner.
  3. Avoid tobacco and alcohol during the course of treatment.

Side Effects

  • No known side effects when taken as prescribed.
  • Safe to use alongside allopathic or ayurvedic treatments.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic remedies are based on symptom similarity, and results may vary. It is recommended to consult a qualified physician before use to ensure safe and effective application.

Additional information

Weight0.82 kg
Dimensions3.5 × 3.5 × 9.5 cm
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