SBL Staphysagria 1X Q

382.50425.00 (-10%)

100 in stock

Anger suppressed
Pain in abdomen
Decayed teeth

Other Name: Staphy, Stavesacre

Key Actions & Benefits

Staphysagria is a powerful homeopathic remedy beneficial for conditions caused by suppressed emotions, especially anger, and mental stress. It addresses a range of complaints including colicky pains in children, urinary discomfort, skin ailments, and emotional imbalance due to past insults or trauma.

Causes & Symptoms Relieved by Staphysagria


  • Suitable for individuals who suppress anger and feel unable to express it.
  • Helps with irritability, especially in children with colicky pain.
  • Resolves issues like loss of memory, dullness of mind, and hypersensitivity to others’ opinions.
  • Beneficial in calming emotional turmoil caused by insults or long-standing mental stress.


  • Headaches with a squeezing sensation in the brain.
  • Itching scalp, dandruff, hair fall, and eczema of the scalp.


  • Dry, itchy eyes, often with styes or sticky lids.
  • Sensation as if something hard is under the eye, with blurred vision and sunken, aching eyes.


  • Ringing in the ears or a sensation of wind blowing into them.
  • Inflammation of glands around the ear and tonsillitis, with pain extending to the ear.

Mouth and Teeth

  • Indicated for tooth complaints, where teeth are black and decomposed during eruption.
  • Pain and tenderness in teeth, making even liquids unbearable.


  • Treats unhealthy skin, prone to easy suppuration.
  • Yellow, crusty, leathery facial eruptions and pedunculated warts.

Stomach and Abdomen

  • Colicky pains before and after meals, accompanied by increased appetite.
  • Painful flatulence, burning, and cutting pain in the anal region.
  • Swollen inguinal glands.

Urinary Complaints

  • Frequent urge to urinate with a burning sensation.
  • Painful micturition with constant pressure.

Female Complaints

  • Relieves ovarian inflammation with burning, stinging pain, and sensitivity to pressure.
  • Regulates irregular menses with clotted blood and vulvar itching.

Male Complaints

  • Useful in chronic prostate issues, frequent erections, and increased libido.
  • Treats inflammation and itching in the scrotal area.

Usage Guidelines

Side Effects

  • No known side effects when used as directed.
  • Safe for use alongside other medical treatments.


  • Take 5 drops in half a cup of water, three times daily.
  • Alternatively, medicate globules and take as prescribed by a physician.


  • Maintain a 15-minute gap before or after meals.
  • Consult a practitioner if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol during the course of medication.

Terms and Conditions

  • Homeopathic remedies should be chosen based on symptom similarity.
  • Results may vary depending on the individual’s condition.
  • Consult a physician for proper guidance; avoid self-medication.

Additional information

Weight0.82 kg
Dimensions3.5 × 3.5 × 9.5 cm
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SBL Staphysagria 1X Q

382.50425.00 (-10%)

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