Willmar Schwabe India Selenium


100 in stock

Hair Fall, Baldness, Male complaints, Urine Flow in old age,
  • 10 ML
  • 30 ML
  • 30 ml X2


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1M CH 6 CH 10M CH 12 CH 30 CH 200 CH
Available Size
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10 ML 30 ml X2 30 ML
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Other Names: Selenium, Selen, Sel
Common Name: Selenium (An Element, Se)

Key Actions & Benefits

Selenium Metallicum is primarily used to address extreme physical and mental fatigue, debility after exhausting illnesses, and complaints related to urinary, digestive, and male reproductive systems. It is also effective for skin conditions, hair loss, and chronic weakness from overexertion or heat.

Causes & Symptoms Relieved by Selenium Metallicum

General Characteristics

  • Beneficial in cases of debility caused by heat or hot weather.
  • Treats weakness and fatigue from minimal exertion, including mental strain, night-watching, or physical labor.
  • Relieves conditions worsened by motion, pressure, or touch, with improvement in open air or cooler conditions.

Detailed Symptom Relief

Mind and Head

  • Mental Symptoms: Extreme sadness, inability to work, forgetfulness (especially business-related), irritability.
  • Headaches: Caused by alcohol, tea, hot weather, or overwork. Improved with small amounts of alcohol (e.g., brandy).
  • Hair Loss: Falling of hair when combing, including eyebrows.
  • Vertigo: Occurs on lifting the head, rising, or sitting up, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Eyes, Nose, and Ears

  • Eyes: Itching vesicles on eyebrows and eyelid margins.
  • Nose: Obstruction with a tendency to bore fingers into the nostrils.
  • Ears: Difficulty in hearing due to wax accumulation.

Mouth and Throat

  • Speech: Stammering due to difficulty in tongue articulation.
  • Toothache: Associated with a cold sensation, relieved by cold air or water.
  • Throat: Hawking of transparent mucus, particularly in the mornings.

Stomach and Abdomen

  • Digestive Issues: Pressure in the stomach, hiccough, and belching after smoking.
  • Liver Pain: Extending to the kidney region, worsened by inspiration and external pressure.

Stool and Anus

  • Constipation: Hard stools, often with mucus or blood, requiring significant straining.
  • Rectal Sensitivity: Hard stools impacted in the rectum.

Urinary Complaints

  • Incontinence: Involuntary dribbling of urine, especially after urination or stool.
  • Frequent Urination: Worsened by walking.

Male Complaints

  • Reproductive Issues:
    • Relaxation and dribbling of semen, involuntarily or after coition.
    • Useful for elderly men suffering from prostatitis and hydrocele.
    • Effective for erectile dysfunction and sexual weakness.

Female Complaints

  • Regulates delayed menses with promising results.

Neck, Back, and Extremities

  • Neck Stiffness: Pain and rigidity in the neck and nape, especially when turning the head.
  • Muscle Weakness: Notable in lower limbs, often with cramps in calves and soles.
  • Joint Pain: Tearing pain in hands at night, accompanied by cracking sounds in the wrists.

Skin and Nails

  • Itching Pimples: Found on buttocks, thighs, or near the scrotum.
  • Sweating: Profuse perspiration while walking or during afternoon naps.

Usage Guidelines

Side Effects

  • No known side effects when taken as prescribed.
  • Can be safely used alongside allopathic, Ayurvedic, or other treatments.


  • Take 5 drops in half a cup of water, three times daily.
  • Alternatively, medicate globules and use as directed by a physician.


  • Maintain a 15-minute gap before or after meals when taking the medicine.
  • Consult a homeopathic practitioner if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol during treatment.

Terms and Conditions

  • Selenium Metallicum should be used based on symptom similarity.
  • Results may vary depending on individual conditions.
  • Always consult a physician before self-medicating.

Additional information

Weight0.082 kg
Dimensions3.5 × 3.5 × 9.5 cm
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