Willmar Schwabe India Senecio aureus


100 in stock

Irregular menses in young girls, Renal pain, pain during urine
  • 30 ML
  • 30 ml X2


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1M CH 6 CH 12 CH 30 CH 200 CH
Available Size
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30 ml X2 30 ML
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Other Names: Golden Ragwort, Huckleroot, Squaw-weed

Key Actions & Benefits

Senecio Aureus is a homeopathic remedy primarily used for regulating menstrual irregularities and addressing urinary, renal, and nervous system complaints. It is also effective for mucosal hemorrhages, abdominal issues, and shifting pains.

Causes & Symptoms Relieved by Senecio Aureus

General Characteristics

  • Useful for young girls experiencing irregular, early, or delayed menses.
  • Addresses epistaxis (nosebleeds) occurring as a substitute for menstruation.
  • Relieves pains that are radiating, shifting, and lancinating.
  • Effective for mucosal hemorrhages, such as bleeding from the nose, mouth, or other membranes.

Detailed Symptom Relief

Mind and Head

  • Emotional Symptoms: Irritability, restlessness, inability to focus, and a need to keep moving.
  • Physical Symptoms: Sharp, shooting pains in the left temple, left eye, and lower jaw. Pain often radiates outward from these points.

Eyes, Nose, and Mouth

  • Eyes: Burning sensation, sharp pain from within outward, and dark rings under the eyes.
  • Nose: Nasal bleeding during menstruation or with coryza (cold-like symptoms).
  • Mouth and Throat: Dryness and heat in the mouth, throat, and nose.

Stomach and Abdomen

  • Colic pains relieved by bending forward or passing stool.
  • Nausea caused by kidney issues.
  • Abdominal swelling and tension are eased with Senecio Aureus.

Stool and Anus

  • Constipation with hard, lumpy stools mixed with yellow mucus.
  • Stool accompanied by significant weakness and exhaustion.

Urinary Complaints

  • Dysuria (painful urination) in women and children.
  • Mucous sediment in urine, with increased urinary secretion.
  • Intense pain over the kidneys, redness and burning during urination, and constipation.

Male Complaints

  • Dull, heavy pain moving along the spermatic cord to the testicle.
  • Enlarged and hardened prostatic gland.

Female Complaints

  • Menstrual Regulation: Effective for painful, profuse, early, or suppressed menses.
  • Restores menstruation after prolonged absence (up to several months).
  • Profuse vaginal mucus flow, often with symptoms of impending menstruation.
  • Relieves pain in the sacrum, groin, and hypogastrium during menses.

Neck, Back, and Extremities

  • Sharp, radiating pains in the lumbar and sacral regions.
  • Wandering pains in the back and shoulders, with relief for joint pain.
  • Constant need to move feet and sharp sticking pain in the left shoulder.

Skin and Nails

  • Dry skin with brittle nails.

General Symptoms

  • Helpful for chronic coughs with catarrhal infections and bloody sputum.
  • Restores menses in women with advanced consumption (tuberculosis).
  • Fainting spells caused by slight exertion, often relieved at the onset of menstruation.

Usage Guidelines

Side Effects

  • No known side effects when taken as prescribed.
  • Compatible with other medications (allopathic, Ayurvedic, etc.).


  • Take 5 drops in half a cup of water, three times daily.
  • Alternatively, medicate globules and use as directed by a physician.


  • Maintain a 15-minute gap before or after meals.
  • Consult a homeopathic practitioner if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol during treatment.

Terms and Conditions

  • Senecio Aureus should be used based on symptom similarity.
  • Results may vary depending on individual conditions.
  • Consult a physician before self-medicating.

Additional information

Weight0.082 kg
Dimensions3.5 × 3.5 × 9.5 cm
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