Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum bovinum

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  • Chronic cough
  • losing weight
  • weakness
  • trembling

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Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum (Dilution) – A Homeopathic Remedy for Enhanced Well-being

Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum is a homeopathic remedy crafted from a glycerine extract of cultured tubercle bacilli, traditionally used for individuals with symptoms suggesting a low vitality response. This dilution works on multiple body systems to address issues from respiratory concerns to emotional sensitivity.

Common Name: Tuberculin of Koch

How Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum Helps

This remedy addresses a variety of symptoms that affect both physical and mental health. Here’s how Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum can support well-being:

Key Benefits and Targeted Symptoms:

  1. Mental and Emotional Balance:
    • May help with symptoms of mental fatigue and aversion to work, particularly mental tasks.
    • Relieves sensitivity to music, shivering when sleeping, and insomnia due to coughing.
  2. Respiratory and Circulatory Support:
    • Helps with palpitations, especially during deep breaths, and may ease coughing and sticking pains in the lungs.
    • Useful for disturbed circulation, with alternating chills and flushes.
  3. Pain Relief in the Chest and Back:
    • Reduces sticking sensations in the chest and back with movement.
    • Eases aches around the ribs, lower back, and chest.
  4. Digestive System Relief:
    • Soothes symptoms of nausea and stomach discomfort, particularly in the umbilical region.
    • Helps manage diarrhea and other digestive irritations.
  5. Physical Fatigue and Limb Discomfort:
    • Alleviates excessive fatigue, especially after short walks, with weakness in limbs and swollen knees.
  6. Symptom Management for Men and Women:
    • For men: Supports relief from testicular discomfort, especially on the left side.
    • For women: Alleviates ovarian pain and discomfort during menstruation, particularly in the lower back.

Common Signs and Symptoms:

  • Head and Mind: A dislike of mental tasks, hands trembling, headaches from neck to forehead, and sensitivity to disturbances.
  • Eyes and Ears: Swollen eyelids in the morning, rushing sounds in ears, and pressure on the top of the head.
  • Mouth and Throat: Inflammation in gums, dry lips, and aphthous ulcers on the tongue.
  • Skin and General Body Reactions: Itchiness, skin flushing on the affected side of the lungs, and a general inclination to scratch.

Using Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum


  • Take 5 drops in half a cup of water, three times daily.
  • Alternatively, you may medicate globules and consume them as per physician instructions.


  • Take the remedy 15 minutes before or after meals.
  • For best results, consult a homeopathic physician, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding.


  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol while on this medication.
  • Do not self-medicate; always consult a physician for correct dosage and to ensure symptom similarity.

Side Effects:

  • No known side effects; Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum is safe to use alongside other treatments like allopathic or Ayurvedic medicines.

Important Note

Homeopathic treatments work based on symptom similarity, and outcomes may vary depending on individual conditions. Always consult a homeopathic practitioner for personalized guidance before starting a new homeopathic remedy.

Additional information

Weight0.082 kg
Dimensions3.5 × 3.5 × 9.5 cm
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Willmar Schwabe India Tuberculinum bovinum